Passing by 经过了他身旁

London 2019
Single Channel Video loop 单通道循环视频

Passing by records a man in a trance on the last train of the London subway on weekdays. I recording this moment when another train was passing. I use video post-production technology to loop passing train, making the fleeting moment into eternity.

《经过了他身旁》记录了伦敦工作日的地铁末班⻋上一个仰头发呆的男性,艺术家拍摄的是窗户上反射出的他的影子,此时 正好有另一辆列⻋经过,艺术家用视频后期技术将经过的列⻋无限循环,让那一个短暂的瞬间成为永恒。