Passage 擦身而过

我行走在城市的Non-place中,记录下每天与自己近距离接触过的陌生人。 Non-place(无身份区)是法国的人类学家Marc Augé 提出的一个概念,指的是人类保持匿名的人类学空间,并没有足够的意义被视为“地方”,例如高速公路,酒店房间,机场和购物中心。对我来说,步行是在大都会中与人群相处最好的方式。它创建了一种疏离的又亲密的状态,并且把“不发生交谈”这件事合法化。我们只是擦肩而过,所以并未展开谈话。

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Passage 擦身而过

London (2019)

Double Channel Video Installation

Passage is a double channel video installation. The images depict the people passing by in the aisle of underground station and airports in London. The videos are projected into a hallway of the architecture, where has a similar character with the space in the video – a non-place. The presented moving images reveal the rhythm of a city and reflect the conditions of contemporary life.
