As A White cube  - 2021 MACHANGRESIDENCY

制造白盒子 2021年 马场驻地项目

在艺术世界里,艺术家通过制造、拆解立方体创造新的艺术理念。在日常生活中,立方体作为最基本的空间,承载了所有人的栖居。 巴什拉声称“所有的庇护所,所有的藏身处,所有的卧室,都有共同的梦境价值”。至此,我围绕艺术行业的非核心领域展开了为期四个月的调研和拍摄记录,涉及上海郊区的艺术仓库和加工制作工厂,布展期间未对外开放的美术馆和画廊等地点。目睹着工人们居住在简易的临时搭建的白盒子中,制造着艺术世界中承载价值白盒子。

四通道视频装置 - Nowhere to Meet Horse 马场没有马

Nowhere to meet horses 马场没有马

Shanghai 2021 

Four  Channel Video Installation


Nowhere to Meet the Horse is four-channel video installation, and the ideal exhibition set-up involves projecting human-sized images on four walls. The voice-over guides the video through an empty museum, exhibitions under construction, an art factory, and the bedrooms of art labourers. The audience is immersed in Shanghai's art industry space, which is a realm often overlooked by them. The recurring motif of the white box serves as a clue throughout the video, symbolising production space, living space, and exhibition space all at once. Through the metaphor of the "white box," I aim to reveal the relationship between invisible labour and creative production, shedding light on the "invisible boxes" that often escape the notice of art viewers.
